Well, yesterday I went back on the protocol - and voila 185.3 this AM. I am still on protocol today and don't think I'll waver, so I expect another loss... HOPEFULLY... tomorrow. I'd really really like to bust through the 180 mark.
I think I've been on the injections for about a month. Dr. T says 40 days and he didn't mention taking a break either, so we'll watch and see what happens to losses, etc.
I am feeling guilty because I cheat so much on this thing - like.. have I wasted the hcg experience on Phase One? Or is this VLCD and injection actually Phase Two?
Also, I know that you still eat on protocol for three days after injections cease and then you can eat any meat, veggie or fruit as long as you don't eat starch. So I guess whole wheat pasta/bread and so forth are out. Carrots too? Squash too? Sigh. How long does that part last? And then what? When do I go back on the hcg shots again?
I suppose I need to just go back and read Simeons again. I wish there were current studies (and Kevin Ick Trudeau does NOT count) that I could cling to about this. (My never ending need for brain info). However, it's amazing that when you eat your fish/beef/chicken and your asparagus/spinach/grapefruit, you lose weight pretty damn fast. And if you don't, you either don't lose or horrors, gain it.
What is going to happen after I stop the injections? What if all the weight just comes flying back on?
Nervous nervous nervous.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
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OK -- another "needs the facts" kind of person, just like me!
What have you lost totally? Like 15 lbs? It certainly isn't breaking ay HCG records, but it's a damn good loss, if you ask me. So much of this is about learning why we eat, our triggers, etc....
Many people do HCG with great results eating stuff Dr. S would totally disapprove of -- keeping their calories at around 500, and avoiding excess fat, obviously. Shhh, don't tell the fascist HCG police, they might hunt me down and shove celery down my throat 'til I took back my 'blasphemy'.
I don't believe there will ever be real clinical studies, as Big Pharma has too much to gain by keeping us fat. Don't even get me started. I'm not usually a conspiracy theorist, but.....
You are on P2 (trudeau's P1) is all a bunch of hooey, IMHO). P3 is a period of experimentation -- no starches or sugars -- root veggies are probably pretty starchy, but you might be OK with them. I had to get out of ketosis quick last round (ketosis is when the body metabolizes its own fat, which makes your urine extremely acidic) as my bladder was too irritated, so I went right from P2 to eating everything. And was fine. Up until recently (when I began to stuff myself, stupid emotionally eating) I've been maintaining very easily.
For me it's all about portion control. Eating until the hunger goes away, not until I feel full. I dunno. I'm still blindly blundering my way through it all, too.
I had to laugh about your 'amish' comment in your last post -- I moved from L.A. to Amish Country. OMG, they eat more sugar and white flour and junk (albeit homemade) then anyone! Once, as a gift, I received a bottle of homemade pickles, complete with red hot candies floating about the top..... sugar in everything! The Amish have higher obesity rates than us, higher rates of diabetes and pancreatic cancer, etc... Granted, being the rare 'yank' invited into their home and lives has been a real eye-opener (and boy, have I put my foot in my mouth), but.... let's just say Las Vegas was probably healthier!! he he....
Just relax. Do P3 according to Dr. S, and see if there are certain fruits or veggies that make you gain. A colonic is probably a decent idea, but maybe for later down the line..... it might be good to help clear the body of toxins that you have released from you fat you lost (we store all our toxins in our fat) -- I think you should lose more weight first. I'm not your doctor, and I have had colonics before..... They are not fun, and I think they can be hard on the body. And can result in a temporary weight loss from clearing all the normal material being processed down there which will come right back -- think about it -- it will fill up again. Which can also be depressing.
Again, I'm not your doc. I got rid of a tumor through colonics and fasting years ago, was vegan/vegetarian for 15 years (not good for MY body) so I've been around the block, alternative-health-wise. I've come to view moderation in all things to be key. Just my 2 cents.
Just keep the big picture in mind -- I've had to be incredibly patient -- I wanted to be down to my goal weight by last Xmas, but health issues (this darn body) have made me take it slower. But I'll get there. And so will you.
Hey, listen to Lili, she has it going on! Don't be nervous, it is really a piece of cake if you follow the rules!
Hi Hazel. It sounds like Lili got most of your questions answered.
I do think reading Pounds and Inches again is a good idea too.
But the main thing that I think will keep us from gaining our weight back after we get to where we want to be and stop the HCG for the final time, is to really follow the Phase 3 stabilization period to the letter. And yes this means no starches and sugars.
Carrots and squash I think are okay. But don't quote me on that. I'm not really an expert there. I just understood it meant most of the white foods like potatoes, bread, pasta, rice. I think corn is very starchy too.
On my final stabilization phase I plan to just eat like I'm still on P2 but much larger portions and lots more "good" fats. Butter and avocados and milk and such.
So don't panic and just eat healthy!
I love you guys. I have lost about 15 or 16 lbs - depending when i weight myself. I feel better and I have learned alot. I am going to go read Simeons again - And just watch the scale like mad.
I'm going to see Dr. T tomorrow. Last time I went, his fat percent machine - which he takes every week - i stand on what appears to be a scale in bare feet - says that since Feb 26 I've lost 20 lbs of fat and gained 5 lbs lean. SO. We'll see what it says tomorrow. I am ready to stop the shots as it is.
Anyway, you are all LOVES and your support means so much!
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