Friday, March 14, 2008


Ok just know that this whole blog is one big giant too much information section. Just skip it, especially you squeamish.

So, my period makes it's arrival with a fanfare. Where the HELL has it been? Who does it think it IS, just waltzing in like this? So WHO CAN TELL ME WHY WHY WHY we can't have the hcg shot during the period? Is it because it is EVIL and I should be sitting in a Menstrual Hut with the other Shunned?

I missed it this AM anyway because I had a telephone conference with the Court at the pre-crack of dawn (8 AM - I know, I am spoiled) and so I just wandered to the office with greasy hair and did it and then home to shower and eat (did get a George Foreman Grill - love love love it) turkey (fuck you Kevin Trudeau) and spinach and tomato, and then back to work - so no time for the shot anyway.

Am I going to gain weight if I don't have the shot? If I keep losing weight on the shot, does this mean the shot is bullshit and I don't need it anyway? If Dr. T said that 500 cals per day is starvation without the shot, then what happens this week without the shot?

And finally, can I just go eat sushi tonight anyway? What if I bring my Bragg Aminos in my purse? (How tacky) and don't eat any rice in my sushi?

I am having all these second thoughts about this diet again because weight isn't falling off - but then again, I am having third thoughts, like "hey, this is no diet - this is the way that you eat." and telling my family that it is ok if they eat my food (esp my shrimp divided into tidy baggies of 4 oz each) on "my" shelf in the fridge because if it's good for me, then it's good for them, right?

But the period. Dammit. Does hcg somehow make it re-appear after it had made only intermittant and piffling appearances for months?

Also, someone told me today that hcg increases your cancer risk. Is this true?

However, that same someone who had not seen me in a couple of months said I looked MARVELOUS!

So there.

I suppose Midol is not on Kevin Trudeau's Diet but SCREW YOU KEVIN TRUDEAU!

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