Sunday, March 16, 2008

Losing Faith

Well, I stopped the hcg injections during the period phase. What a disaster. Trying to go back on the diet after the hcg stopped even for a couple of days was extremely difficult. So far, I have "cheated" every single day since the period began. I told husband to just re-start the injections. I am asking Dr. T what the HELL was he thinking having me go off the shots just for period. Now, I am ravenous. I am scared to step on the scale, which is stupid because the "worst" thing I did was have two pieces of whole wheat bread (organic) with horrors, one piece of turkey bologna.

In addition to my steak, asparagus, two poached eggs and a few strawberries.

And that's IT for today, although last night was Hubby's brother's birthday. Again, not too bad - Cuban Chicken (had potatoes, onions, chicken sans cigar, raisins) and black beans (tablespoon full) and 2 inches (literally) of whole wheat bread stuff, yes with butter - a little, and a smidgeon of carrot cake. And salad. And again, felt terrible the next AM.

The meal before that was a day of decent eating and then sushi after a movie. The white rice is the big no no.

But no alcohol, no chocolate binges - not even MILK at this juncture.

But going with absolutely no carb on this diet without the hcg has been ridiculous.

And also, I can't help but think those fucking shingles have been part of this.

SO. I have a million questions for Dr. T tomorrow - including asking why, given how NOT hungry I've been, am I RAVENOUS NOW?

Please god don't say I have to "fat load" again. I am scared, literally, to get on the damn scale.

That is NONSENSE. I am getting on the scale in the AM. Scared of a scale is stupid.

Besides, I can just keep swinging at it.

But my "fat" jeans (the 14s) feel tight today.


No more going off hcg and I don't care WHAT ANYONE SAYS until it's "time" because I feel like I'm starting all over again, and after all this hard work too.


Becca said...

Hazel, many women don't stop injections while on their TOM. Or if they do, just one or two days when it's heaviest. I guess it's because of the hormone imbalance. The HCG can make the periods more painful or heavier. Some don't have any problems or even have lighter periods so it's very individual.
And also once you skip an injection, you aren't immediately off the HCG. It takes 72 hrs to leave your body. That's why at the end of the protocol you are supposed to continue eating the VLCD for 72 hrs after your last injection. So if you skip a couple of injections for your period, you should definitely continue on the VLCD as if you were still injecting.
And the difference with doing a low calorie diet without HCG is that you will not be just losing the abnormal fat like you do with the HCG. Regular dieting makes you lose your structural fat. That's why people on strict diets usually look gaunt and sick. They're losing the wrong kind of fat.
You should re-read Dr. S's manuscript. And NOT KT's. He's added a lot of stuff that was never intended by Dr. S.

Ed & Jennifer said...

Very well said Becca!

Hazel...girl-OMG! I can totally feel your frustrations and you have every right to feel how you do. I also injected straight through TOM. I'll be so curious to see how your appt. goes today!

No matter the damage...DO NOT GIVE UP! With HCG any gains will be corrected okay?!

We're here for ya!

(I agree with Becca-read Dr.S's manuscript!)

Interplanet Janet said...

I am so sorry that you had a frustrating weekend. Don't give up and know that I'm here to vent to if you need me!