Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Eating Out and Off the Diet

Well, hubby got accepted into a university program so he can pursue his teaching degree, so we went out to celebrate.

I've been on vlcd for two weeks. Seems like longer. We went to Italian restaurant (read PASTA) with our dear friend J and also sweet son H. I ordered a salmon on a bed of spinach and red pepper. I also consumed a spinach salad beforehand. I ate my dinner, it was so very very good. I ate two bites of the dessert that came to the table with four forks. I had a ROLL! With butter! I drank water (just didn't want wine), had a taste of someone's pasta, and so forth. I was pretty full at the end. I had no "OMG NO!" feelings. I also thought "You can't eat like that every night- or even every week if you still want to drop pounds though." But it wasn't punitive in thinking. Just honest.

I feel pretty good this AM except (TMI TMI TMI ALERT - diarrhea continues - who knows why... TMI TMI ALERT OVER). As it is, I was able to wear.. SIZE 10 Pants! They were tight and I was felt just a tiny bit like a two bit hooker in them, but I persevered. Plus wore a tasteful sweater set on top. They fit like my size 12's used to fit - wearable but iffy. So it was a wee little thrill for me.

Now, off to work. The Shingles are still here - I wonder for how long?


Becca said...

Congrats to your hubby getting accepted!
I like your attitude about eating off protocol. You did it, realized it couldn't be an everyday occurance and moved on. And at least you ENJOYED it! Good for you.

And Woo Hoo on the size 10's! That is the best feeling to be able to pull 'em up and zip 'em... If you're like me, you had a few sizes stored in the back of your closet. I haven't had to buy much up until now but when I start my next round I think I will have to start shopping!

Becca said...

I looked for Swerve at my local Whole Foods with no luck. So I went online and found this article about it. Sounds like it is an all natural sweetner like Zsweet made from erythritol. I am going to try to find some!

Linda Sue said...

Gotta say, your blog is the best yet! Thank you for validating this experience with a few "fuck this shit" comments! SISTAH- you be my cup o' drive way tea! There is a vacination for shingles BTW- not covered by insurance and very expensive. The vitamin supplimental route sounds mo bettah. I got a bad batch of HCG and lost minimally while starving- gained a good deal back- so , yes, HCG when it is fresh and the real deal does make all the diff!Sublingual instead of injections seems to work best for me- a little hit of gin in the mix cheers me up considerably. Anyway, thank you for your blog- it's a winner!

The Hopeful Cynic said...

You guys are so sweet to read this thing. It helps me feel less ALONE in the process! I am such a stubborn hag when it comes to parts of this diet - and my loss has really really slowed. I'll blog about it and maybe you guys can kick my ass.
xo Haze