Monday, March 3, 2008

Car Wreck and other Happenings

Well first of all, I am sitting here after being rear-ended by some anxious hispanic 25 year old guy. Who apparently was driving on a revoked license, and the poor thing was going to be in big trouble.

SO. When the accident happened, I had numbness and tingling in my face and lips. Also my back (mid-back) is killing me. I called Dr. K who suggested that I take it easy today. I first called the office and they canceled the poor man that I had to cancel last week and he was miffed. And another appointment I think. They called the paramedics and ambulance who wanted to strap me to a backboard and transport me via ambulance to the ER. I am suspicious of the ER, frankly and I think that it will just make my insurance rates go up (I know, it's the other guy's fault and so his insurance should pay it), and it will take all day and what if I just have muscle stiffness?

So I am going to take a warm bath and advil and wait and see.

But here's the good news.

1) I BROKE 190 TODAY!! I was at 189.6. So that's 10 lbs since Wednesday.

2) I went to see Dr. T today. Office was much less frantic and he had more time for my ravings today. He showed me my blood tests - he said my bad cholesterol was up a teeny bit but not as bad as you'd think, and my GOOD cholesterol was nice and high (can you believe it? I have a good positive health marker!!!) - and the form of my "bad" cholesterol was in nice big globs versus teeny little globs, which apparently is something good.

There were other levels of hormones (my progesterone is low and so... I'm not sure what that means) that were either in range or were not, but he doesn't want to address those until after this Phase 2 is over with.

3) Indeed, I lost 10 lbs. About 5 was likely water, about 3.5 was pure fat fat fat and the rest was lean muscle tissue.

I talked to Trevor this morning about losing lean muscle tissue. I was bummed to think I that I was going to lose it. Trevor was so helpful. He noted "marathon runners don't have a ton of lean muscle, do they?" He also pointed out, rightfully so, that despite my hard work over 19 months of gaining this muscle, I also ate like crap and maintained a bunch of fat, so if I have to lose muscle instead if fat, it's my own damn fault. But of course, because he is professional and kind, he communicated this to me in a much nicer way than that. He is right you know.

Still, I think the 19 months of just weight lifting was not wasted. It clearly improved my health status - nothing like packing a shit load of muscle around, and it certainly made me somewhat more aware of what I was eating (like I really did stop, for the most part, the fast food stuff, with the occasional Filet O' Fish sandwich thrown in. I know, they're sick sick sick but OMG I loved them).

So Hubby wasn't at the workout this morning because he got his first substitute teaching job, so that's cool, but he was peeved that he missed the lifting. I got Trevor all to myself. I was much more weak and tired since the VLCD started - also because you get no breakfast on this thing - and was sortof bummed that I'm not as strong. Of course, no food and no breakfast and a Trevor leg workout is a pretty intense deal. He encouraged me to keep on the treadmill to keep my endurance up, and assured me that once this weight, fat plus lean, is off, he will put my big old strong muscles back on me. I don't need to look like the Hulk, but I really like being strong.

As it is, I am going to check the chat room for a minute - but then I need to rest I think - my back is killing me. Dammit. I DO NOT WANT TO GO TO THE ER! Dammit.

Here is the chat room for hcg people - the way to get there:

Man, my back really does hurt. Crap. Well, perhaps it will take my mind off FOOD.

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