OK, let's just get right to it. I was "officially" on P3 yesterday. This is what I ate:
Went to french secretary's house for lunch. We had spinach with some lovely ham, and she made an olive oil/balsamic dressing. Oh and tomatoes. Also we had this lovely cheese from germany that had just a TOUCH of the old "blue" in it. And I ate a wee piece of bread - the kind with all sorts of nuts and seeds in it. YUM.
Then for dinner, after my "blue period" blog, (thanks for the support on that btw), I ate a chicken breast that had been lanquishing in Bragg's Aminos, something I love alot, grilled asparagus and that killer apple dessert with Z-sweet and cinnamon under the broiler, with a couple of dots of butter.
This morning, VOILA! 182! Can you EVEN BELIEVE IT?
Ok, now I've got to talk about Bragg's Aminos. I love the taste but frankly, I love the bottle more. I have attempted to scan my bottle of Bragg's. I will try to put the picture somewhere on this, but if not, get your own bottle and have a look.
There's a picture of Patricia Bragg, entitled "Patricia Bragg, Health Crusader" on the label. She has a big smile, a straw hat with flowers on it, and what appears to be a convention of VOLES perched upon her shoulder. WHAT IS THAT? Someone should tell her. It's distracting.
Also, there's a bible verse reference, "3 John 2" which when I looked it up said:
Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.
Which I thought was totally sweet. Uh oh, my font has changed. It's a MIRACLE! I love it that she also has it "kosher Certified" and that she says "the Lifestyle that will Keep you Ageless" on it.The whole thing just makes me happy..
As it is, These Bragg Aminos just make you feel like you are doing something right. I soak chicken in it. I put it in eggs. I taste it and then compare to Soy Sauce and then back again when I am feeling Foodie and Bored.
Now, I must work on a case all day. Working at home has challenges because it makes me want to wander into the kitchen and munch away. Here's the Rule of the Day. If I feel hungry (in an unreasonable, noshing for the sake of noshing way) I'm going to drink 16 oz of water FIRST. Then if I'm STILL hungry, it's time for some protein. Let's see what happens. I would be SO STOKED to break that 182 tomorrow morning - but it's a LONG time before tomorrow morning, as everyone here completely knows.
I work out of my home too and god, it really is hard sometimes, isn't it? The boredom noshing, getting tired of work and using the excuse to go downstairs and just "get a bite to eat" is a real toughie. I really like your idea of drinking a BIG glass of water before caving in. Sometimes eating a tiny bit of something really concentrated with flavor -- like a few of my daughter's jellybeans from her easter basket, or some skittles, really helps quell the urge to eat. I know, Kevin Trudeau is having hissy fits right now. Too bad. As long as I really enjoy them, concentrate on eating them, they really satisfy the urge to nosh, with very few calories.
Man, were we separated at birth or what? I too have a sister (I prefer to call her "Satan's Minion") -- I just have no contact with her. When I used to participate at family holidays there would always be a moment at dinner at which she would jump out of her chair, screaming and pointing her finger at me, about how I stole her clothes when we were kids and I always got better stuff than her and, I dunno, on and on. The family, ever wanting to uphold the veneer of being "The Perfect Family" would plead with me to agree with her, placate her. And I would end up in the bathroom to down a valium. And then go back and shove the rest of the family feast down to help shove all my feelings down. Yikes. Bad scene.
All the comments you got were dead-on, I don't think I can add much more except -- WHATEVER YOU DO, do NOT tell her how you lost the weight. I know you have a good heart, but it will just give her more fuel with which to call you a kook, unstable, whatever. If I am reading her correctly at all, she will not do the protocol, as she would perceive it as needing help from you or something; and as she needs to belittle you she will dig up all sorts of info on the web about how this protocol doesn't work, is dangerous, meow meow meow......
I will be thinking about you this weekend. My heart goes out to you -- how hard it must feel to be watching your parent go! Even without your "Satan's Minion" making everyone miserable at the same time. Just walk proud, go in there with your bootilicious new bod, and don't engage with her. She wants a fight. Don't let her get one. It's hard, I know. Just be glad you're not her, with that awful gang of monkeys on her back -- always being the victim, always feeling inferior, needing to make everyone as miserable as she is, etc..... Just tell yourself "Man, am I glad I missed THAT part of the gene pool from my parents". And connect with your parent as best you can. You're a great daughter, I know it.
Oh man, an orgo ally (as my prof puts it), someone who knows what I'm going through!
I hear ya on the Braggs. I love, love, love the way it tastes, AND has less sodium.
You are all the BEST. Today, knock on wood, she was avoided. I'll blog about it - but phew, I'm glad that I didn't see her today.
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