Thursday, February 28, 2008

Day Four

I got on the scale yesterday morning and was 199.8. I was so hungry through the day and into the night. I didn't sleep well. Kept dreaming about this Farm Game I nerdily played on the internet before bed.

I got on the scale this morning. 194.8. FIVE POUNDS IN ONE DAY?

How can this be? I don't believe it.

It's just got to be water weight, because I pee all the time now. But I'm drinking like 64 ounces a day of liquid as well.

How can this be?

However, I had more optimism as I drank my Dirt Yerba Mate Tea Potion this AM raced to work and now am gulping down more asparagus and chicken because we have parent teacher conference in about 10 minutes.


Is this safe? Of course, 194.8 isn't like I'm starving to death.

I still don't trust this.

But it IS five pounds anyway.

Let's see what happens.

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